Plant Tissue - Packages

Improve your yields; Plant Tissue Testing, Grain Testing

Various Plant Tissue testing packages are listed, however packages are not limited to those listed below, contact Kellie (0439 188 354) for a package tailored to your need.

Prices listed below do not include GST (individual tests available, click here for pricing)

Tests Price
P1 Complete Plant/Grain Test: -TKN, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cl, Mo, Al, Co, S, B
Ideal for those interested in the complete picture.
P3 Plant Metal test: -Cu, Mn, Zn $41.00
P4 Stock Feed Analysis: - % Dry Matter, % Moisture, % Crude protein, % Fat, % Digestibility and Metabolisable
+ interpretation $142.00
P5 Routine Stock Feed Dietary Minerals - TN, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, B, Co, Mo, Cl
+ interpretation $139.00

^ Batch admin cost applies

  • Sampling Kits and sampling advice available.
  • Assistance with Sampling available.